Act 5 Scene 3 - Entry 10


Juliet’s Diary – Entry 10

Dear Diary,

  I finally woke up from the deep sleep I was in and when I looked up nothing was how I expected it to be. I looked around and saw Paris covered in blood and Romeo laying down too. He was dead.  I can’t believe this is how everything was ending but if I can’t be with Romeo then there is no point in me living as well. There is a bottle of poison lying next to him but he still has some on his lips so that shall be what I do, and I will soon be reunited with him. Friar had come and saw the whole thing, but I stayed because I have nothing left.

 It is time for me to leave. Our families will probably be blaming this on each other, but we will finally be free from this family mess and will no longer need to hide. I will finally be reunited with Romeo and there will be finally nothing that will come between us. Farewell. I kiss Romeo’s red warm lips. That didn't work but I found a knife. I didn't hesitate to stab myself. I felt my body fall. This is the end?


Romeo’s Diary – Entry 10

Dear Diary,

  I see Juliet’s body in the open tomb. I just wanted to be alone at that moment until Paris came but he didn’t listen when I told him to leave so I was forced to kill him. Juliet was all pale but still looked beautiful even though death has taken her. Paris was lying there covered with blood. But now I will finally rest by Juliet’s side because I’m really nothing without her so what’s the point to keep on living when she’s not?

  I hope Balthazar gives my father the letter I gave him and reads it. All I needed to do now was drink the poison. I drank it with no hesitation, and nothing was going to stop me. There was no reason not to. Farewell. I finally drank the poison and I felt everything stop, it was the end...



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