Act 3 Scene 5 - Entry 6


Juliet’s Diary – Entry 6

Dear Diary,

  Romeo came to my house to say his last goodbyes. I wanted that moment to last longer. I was hoping my parents didn’t catch him by my window. But Romeo thought the opposite. He wanted to get caught because he thought he rather be dead if that was what I wanted. That was ridiculous. After that, Nurse came in to tell my mother was coming to my bedroom, so I had to say my farewells to Romeo. I had to fake I was crying over Tybalt’s death even though it was because I don’t know when I will be seeing my husband again.

  My mother gave me the news that I will be marrying Paris. I obviously denied the offer because I rather marry Romeo which who I am already married to but of course mother didn’t take good. When father heard everything, I said and when I didn’t accept his offer, they both got really angry at me. I’m so upset about this, and I don’t know what to do! I must stay loyal Romeo. Father said that if I don’t marry Paris, he will disown me! This is terrible so I went to Friar Lawrence cell for advice.



Romeo’s Diary – Entry 6

Dear Diary,

  I went to the Capulet house to see Juliet. I wish I were with her always but unfortunately do to what I had done to Tybalt I was going to get killed if I didn’t banish. I just wanted to get caught at that moment while I was with Juliet, but she did not let me. I preferred death if that’s what she wanted for me as well since what I had done was wrong. Everyday I will hope we come across each other one day when I leave this town.

  After talking for what felt like hours, it was time for me to go. Nurse came into the room and told Juliet her mother was coming to her room to talk. I wonder what the Lady Capulet wanted to talk to Juliet about. And so, I had to leave her house and the time had come for us to say our farewell’s. Why must a couple get separated this way? I’m sad this is how things just had to be.



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