Act 5 Scene 1 - Entry 9


Juliet’s Diary – Entry 9

Dear Diary,

  I hope everything goes alright and everything goes according to plan I mean what could possibly go wrong? I will soon be reunited to Romeo and finally escape my problems and be with the person who truly makes me happy and that is  all that truly matters. Romeo should know what he has to do by now since the friar’s plan was to deliver him letters letting him be aware of everything that has to happen.

  I will be asleep for forty-two hours and my family will definitely believe that I’m dead. Forty-two hours is enough time for everything to go according to plan. I will wake up in Romeo’s arms and we will finally be happy and live a peaceful life, a life where the feud between our families is nonexistent and we’ll live happily ever after.



Romeo’s Diary – Entry 9

Dear Diary,

  I was waiting for Balthazar to come to me and give me news about Juliet but what I heard got me mad because how could this happen so soon? I can’t believe Juliet is dead and Friar hasn’t let me know anything. Without Juliet I’m nothing! I’m going back to Verona, and I will rest with Juliet forever by her side.

I went to the apothecary’s home and asked for a poison in exchange for a bag of money I mean why would he reject that in the conditions he lives in. Money is a worse poison that commits more murder in this world, so this poison is nothing. He gave me the poison which kills immediately. I will finally be reunited with Juliet.



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