Act 4 Scene 3 - Entry 7

 Juliet’s Diary – Entry 7

Dear Diary,

  Nurse had helped me pick out my clothes for tomorrow for the ceremony. I told her to leave my room to rest, nut it was now time to drink the vial to continue the plan. What if it’s actually poison and it kills me? I won’t be able to see Romeo ever again! I need to drink the vial if not I will be married to Paris tomorrow. I don’t want to be buried where all of my past ancestors are now resting in.

  I have finally decided to drink the vial after thinking about the worse that could happen. I don’t think someone as kind and loyal as Friar could possibly want to poison or hurt me. I hope I wake up to Romeo’s face and everything to an end and finally be with the person I love and away from this family mess. Well, goodbye for now.



Romeo’s Diary – Entry 7

Dear Diary,

  I had banished from Verona to Mantua. Friar said he would keep me updated on anything. I wonder what he means by that or if he has some kind of plane to help me not get separated from Juliet. Being separated from Juliet is already a punishment but we’ll hopefully come across each other one day.

 I guess I was right. I heard that Friar actually has a plan so I could be with Juliet. This makes me very excited, but will it all work out? Is the plan risky? No, no need to think about that. I can definitely trust Friar and Juliet for this to workout. Hopefully everything goes right so we can finally be happy.



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