Act 3 Scene 2 - Entry 5


Juliet’s Diary – Entry 5

Dear Diary,

  All I could do was wait until nighttime came so I could see my beloved Romeo. It’s going to be a very lovely and successful day without getting caught or any problems. All I could think of was about him, Romeo, my husband. But I still wonder what might’ve happened outside but anyways, I’m also waiting on Nurse to bring the ladder I need so I can leave with Romeo at night. What is taking her so long? I want nighttime to come already. Soon after thinking about everything, Nurse came rushing in showing me the ladder, but she seemed very upset…

  Romeo, Mercutio, and Benvolio were the ones who were with Tybalt! Tybalt killed Romeo’s friend, Mercutio which caused Romeo to kill Tybalt. Romeo was getting punished for killing Tybalt. I am now crying because of Romeo’s punishment which is leaving the city because it’s way worse than the death of my cousin. This is terrible! I have sent Nurse to look Romeo so I can say my last goodbyes to him.



Romeo’s Diary – Entry 5

Dear Diary,

  I received my punishment and I decided to hide at Friar Lawrence’s cell for a bit until I decide what to do. What will Juliet think about me now that I have killed her cousin? All I could think about is her. I am supposed to be seeing her tonight but will that be possible? None of this would’ve happened if Tybalt wasn’t looking for trouble but he killed my cousin so I of course had to get my revenge and I am now getting punished in his place.

  Luck is definitely on my side today. Sure, I did get married to my wife Juliet today, but it was supposed to be a good day not a day where I had to get my hands dirty because someone was desperate to fight. I had to somehow see my bride today although it won’t be easy if I’m being looked for and found. But Tybalt got what he deserved even though I am in love with someone with the same name as he.



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