Act 3 Scene 1 - Entry 4


Juliet’s Diary – Entry 4

Dear Diary,

  Today was such a blessed day. I finally got married to the love of my life. I’m in love with my Romeo or could say, husband. I had secretly with the help of the Nurse gotten away to Friar Lawrence cell. I’m so grateful to have someone as my loyal servant who helped me with this secret ceremony. I hope nothing wrong happens today that could possibly ruin our special day. After my marriage I overheard something happen in the streets outside.

 Oh my, it is always when I’m having the day of my life when things begin to get messy! But at least I hope no one is hurt. I heard from some people in the street that a fight broke down between Tybalt and Mercutio I think it was. Oh, that Tybalt! Always getting himself in trouble and not caring about the consequences. I hope Mercutio is alright as well since he is very close to Romeo. I know my Romeo would be really depressed if something happens to him.



Romeo’s Diary – Entry 4

Dear Diary,

  I got married to the love of my life today. I couldn’t be happier to be committed to this beautiful girl. I hope and won’t let anything come between us and break us apart. After a long and good day, I decided to walk around the city. All I could think of was Juliet until I came across Mercutio and Benvolio talking to Tybalt and Tybalt has that mad face expression on him. I am loyal to my wife and her family, so I didn’t try to fight or anything. I politely told Tybalt that it wasn’t necessary to fight and that I do not hate him and the rest of the Capulet family until Mercutio started to draw his sword.

  I told Mercutio to leave it alone, but he didn’t stop and when I got between them it was already too late. Tybalt had stabbed Mercutio and he didn’t make it. Obviously, I wasn’t trying to start anything, but it got me mad… he killed my best friend, so I fought Tybalt until he dropped dead. The prince came and so did Lady Capulet and Montague. And of course, since Tybalt was already dead all punishment had come to me which was to leave the city or else, I will get killed. 



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